About  > Culture Codes

Culture Codes: An articulation of the Janaagraha Way

Our mission is our purpose; our strategy, the path to reach it, and our culture are the values and behaviours that define and guide our actions, every hour of every day.

As our work expands and our team grows in number and physical distance, the need to articulate and codify our culture — or the Janaagraha Way — becomes increasingly important.

To do this, we undertook a thorough study of our literature, philosophy, work, policies, performance competency frameworks, and other value articulations. We also conducted surveys with internal and external stakeholders, actively worked with team members, and collaborated with external facilitators.

The result is seven Culture Codes that are an authentic representation of the lived values of Janaagraha:

  • I Take Ownership
  • I Apply Systems Thinking
  • I Practice Urgent Patience
  • I Choose Depth
  • I Engage Constructively
  • I Strive to Excel
  • I Care

Each code has been further extended into a set of behaviours to embody and behaviours to avoid. This is our guide on how to get better at living and practising the Janaagraha values.

A list of existing and proposed policies, formal and informal practices, and visual symbols and artefacts have also been drawn up for each code. This repeated articulation of the codes in different forms — from behaviours to policies and projects to processes — is an attempt to embed these principles and values in every function, aspect, and operation of Janaagraha.

I Take Ownership

What I Do

  • I believe strongly in Janaagraha’s mission
  • I take responsibility for my decisions and actions
  • I take initiative and actively pursue opportunities

What I Don’t Do

  • I do not hesitate to speak up or take initiative
  • I do not renege on my commitments

I Practice Systems Thinking

What I Do

  • I align all my work to the City-Systems framework
  • I go beyond symptoms and pursue root-causes and connections

What I Don’t Do

  • I do not deviate from our mission and theory of change

I Practice Urgent


What I Do

  • I show urgency in my efforts and am patient with results
  • I recognise that our successes are only milestones in a longer journey
  • I proactively seek clarity from ambiguity
  • I am agile in responding to opportunities and challenges

What I Don’t Do

  • I do not give up despite setbacks and delays
  • I do not only strive for short-term results

I Choose Depth

What I Do

  • I continuously listen, reflect, and learn
  • I am meticulous and detail-oriented
  • I think and work with facts and evidence

What I Don’t Do

  • I am not superficial in my efforts
  • I do not take shortcuts

I Engage Constructively

What I Do

  • I collaborate actively and value teamwork
  • I give and receive constructive feedback
  • I proactively address conflict
  • I am responsive and timely in my communications

What I Don’t Do

  • I am neither confrontational nor submissive

I Strive To Excel

What I Do

  • I set ambitious goals, and work hard to achieve them
  • I plan and execute with outstanding quality and within timelines
  • I explore new and innovative solutions
  • I strive to gain expertise

What I Don’t Do

  • I am not complacent
  • I do not tolerate mediocrity

I Care

What I Do

  • I practise high levels of integrity
  • I am empathetic, and care for the well-being of all people and communities I work with
  • I care for the environment

What I Don’t Do

  • I do not tolerate discrimination
  • I do not communicate disrespectfully