Safety & Security
Security Perception Index – 18-Month Follow–up Study (Report)

In 2013, the Bengaluru City Police and the Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy (JCCD) joined forces to pilot a community policing program across seven police stations in Bengaluru. The Community Policing (CP) initiative aims to bridge the gap between the police force and citizens to enhance security. The program centers around ‘Beat Constables’ who maintain regular contact with residents within their designated areas, supported by Area Suraksha Mitras (ASMs), carefully chosen community volunteers.

Before starting the pilot, a baseline survey gathered data from 392 police officers and 716 citizens across the seven police zones. This report focuses on an 18-month follow-up evaluation conducted in 2015 to assess changes in security perceptions. It involved 339 police officers and 768 citizens in CP-administered areas (the treatment groups), along with 214 ASMs. Additionally, 92 police officers and 415 citizens from two control police stations where CP was not implemented were surveyed. All surveys were conducted in-person by JCCD staff and the Hansa Research Group from January to April 2015.