Participatory Budgeting
Ward Quality Score 2013 Databook (English)

The Ward Quality Score (WQS) initiative by Janaagraha is a comprehensive project designed to assess the quality of life in Bangalore’s 198 wards. Through a meticulous six-month survey, various aspects of urban life, including water supply, environmental conditions, sanitation practices, mobility, and public amenities, are evaluated. Data collection methods include on-ground surveys and spatial analysis, with scores assigned on a scale of 1 to 10 after benchmarking against national and international standards.

The primary goals of the WQS project are to guide budget allocations at the ward level, ultimately improving the overall quality of urban life for all citizens. Furthermore, it empowers both citizens and elected representatives with objective data to advocate for enhancements in their respective areas. Read the WQS data book for more details on the project